Statute - Comune di Pianoro

Pietro Lazzarini Museum of Arts and Crafts | The Association | Statute - Comune di Pianoro

Territory and Civilization Association


Constitution and aims of the Association


Art. 1

It was established pursuant to the law of 7 December 2000 n. 383 an association called "Territory and Civilization of Crafts", with registered office at the "Pietro Lazzarini Museum of Arts and Crafts", in via del Gualando 2, Pianoro (Bologna).


Art. 2

The Association has the aim of carrying out cultural and social utility activities in favor of associates as well as third parties, non-profit and in full respect of the freedom and dignity of the members, inspired by principles of democracy and equality of the rights of all. the associates.


Specifically, the Association aims to:

a) to promote research, training and information activities aimed at the recovery, conservation and enhancement of the tangible and intangible heritage linked to the ancient working practices of the past peasant and artisan civilization, to the history and traditions of the Savena, Setta and Idice valleys;

b) involve the world of youth and therefore the world of education (school, university, etc.) in research and study;

c) set up a museum site, called "Museum of Arts and Crafts", to protect and enhance the recovered heritage, and promote its knowledge through guided tours and educational activities;

d) to promote the development of social tourism and to stimulate the interest of the local, national and international public in the territory, history, art, culture, food and wine and local traditions;

e) organizing educational and scientific activities, events, meetings, readings, concerts, round tables, conferences, seminars, debates, exhibitions, reviews, awards, etc. on topics related to the territory, also in an interdisciplinary form as regards languages ​​and expressions of cultural action;

f) promoting opportunities for meeting, exchange, dissemination, information also through the use of the web;

g) directly and / or indirectly promote and supervise the drafting and edition of texts, publications of conference proceedings, seminars, as well as any studies and research carried out;

h) implement forms of collaboration / convention with other public and private bodies, as well as affiliate with other bodies, networks and organizations at local, national or international level.


Art. 3

The Association aims to pursue its goals using the means of communication and study that it deems most appropriate. In particular, the aim is to safeguard and enhance the collection of material that documents the history and culture of the area, collected by the established Mr. Lazzarini Pietro.


Art. 4

The "Territory and Civilization of Crafts" Association is a non-profit organization.

The mutual fund, consisting - by way of example and not limited to - from management surpluses, funds, reserves and all assets acquired in any capacity by the Association, can never be divided among the members during the life of the Association or at the time of its dissolution.

It is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly or deferred, operating profits or surpluses, as well as funds, reserves or capital, unless the destination or distribution is required by law.

The Association is obliged to reinvest any management surplus in favor of statutory institutional activities.


Art. 5

The Association derives the economic resources for the operation and for the performance of its activities from the following assets:

membership fees, the amount of which is established annually by the Board of Directors;
contributions from associates and individuals;
contributions from the state and public bodies;
donations and testamentary bequests;
general income;
revenue from agreements or transfers of goods or services to associates or third parties;
revenue from marginal commercial and production activities or promotional initiatives;
any other form of contribution or support that allows to pursue social purposes.

The Association's financial year begins on January 1st and ends on December 31st of each year.

At the end of each year, the Board of Directors draws up the final balance and submits it for approval by the Assembly of members by April.





Art. 6

The number of members is unlimited; they all have equal rights and duties.

The members of the Association are: the honorary President Pietro Lazzarini; founding associates, ordinary associates and honorary associates. Membership in the Association is free and conditional only on the payment of the annual membership fee.

Members over the age of 18 have voting rights in the Assembly of members and can hold corporate positions.

The quality of associate is lost by:

exclusion, deliberated by the ordinary Assembly on proposal of the Board of Directors.

Before proceeding with the exclusion, the charges will be contested in writing to the associate allowing him the right to reply and the right to appeal to the Board of Arbitrators pursuant to art. 14 of this Statute. In this case, the effectiveness of the exclusion resolution is suspended until the Arbitrators are pronounced.

The withdrawn or excluded member is not entitled to the refund of the membership fees paid.


Art. 7

Members are required to comply with the rules of this Statute, the resolutions of the associative bodies, and to pay the membership fee referred to in the previous article by the established date.

Associates have the right to participate in all the activities promoted by the Association. They cannot claim rights towards the mutual fund or other assets owned by the Association.


Art. 8

Honorary members are appointed by the Board of Directors, on the proposal of one or more members, as persons worthy of particular recognition within the scope of the Association.

Honorary members are exempt from paying any membership fees; they cannot take on direct positions in the Association and can participate in the assemblies with an advisory opinion, but without the right to vote.



Organs of the Association


Art. 9

Organs of the Association are: the Assembly of members, the Board of Directors, the President, the Vice President; the Board of Arbitrators and the possibly elected Auditor.

Membership offices are covered free of charge except for reimbursement of documented expenses incurred for reasons of the office held.


Art. 10

The Assembly

The Assembly of members is made up of all members; dictates the general criteria to which the action of the Board of Directors must conform. It can modify the norms of the present Statute, on proposal of the Directive Council or of at least 2/3 of the associates, by majority of those present.

The Assembly can be convened by the President, by 2/3 of the Board of Directors or by at least 1/10 of the associates who request it in writing.

Members in good standing with the membership fee for the current year have the right to vote.

The Assembly can be ordinary or extraordinary.

The ordinary Assembly of members, convened by the President, meets at least once a year - by April 30th - to approve the final balance; every three years for the election of the Council. It is valid on first call if half plus one of the associates is present, on second call whatever the number of those present.


The ordinary Assembly determines the guidelines for all the Association's activities and also:

a) approves the final balance for each financial year;

b) elects the members of the Board of Directors;

c) eventually elect the Board of Arbitrators and the Auditor;

d) approves any internal regulations;

e) deliberates on all that is assigned to it in accordance with the Statute or proposed by the Board of Directors;

f) deliberates the exclusion of the Association Members;

g) expresses its opinion on the rejections of applications for admission of new members.

The Assembly is normally considered extraordinary when it meets to deliberate on amendments to the Statute and the dissolution of the Association by appointing liquidators.

The ordinary and extraordinary Assembly of members is chaired by the President, or in his absence by the Vice President, or in the absence of both by another member of the Board of Directors delegated by the President or elected by those present.

The appointment of the Secretary is made by the President of the Assembly.

The resolutions of the Assembly must be recorded in the minutes, signed by the President and the Secretary.

The convocations can be made by written notice to be posted on the premises of the registered office, sent to each member also by e-mail, at least 15 days before the date of the meeting, with an indication of the agenda, place, date and the time of the first and any second call, which must take place at least one day after the first call.

In the absence of a formal convocation, the meetings in which all the members will personally attend will still be valid.

The ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting resolves by majority of those present, both on first and second call.

For the dissolution of the Association, the favorable vote of 3/4 of the members is required.


Art. 11

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is composed of 5 to 9 members, depending on what the ordinary Assembly will determine. For the first three years from the foundation of the Association, said Board will be constituted by the founding members of the Association itself. Subsequently, the Board of Directors will be elected by the Assembly every three years on a single list open to all members.

The directors are re-eligible.

The Council elects from within: the President, the Vice President, the Secretary and the Treasurer.


The Board of Directors meets when convened by the President or at least 1/3 of its members, with at least three days' notice. Deliberates on all the Association's activities.

All members who wish to participate can attend its meetings.

The presence of the majority of the members is necessary for the validity of the meetings.

Resolutions are passed by a majority of those present.

The Secretary draws up the relevant minutes.

The Board of Directors can appoint a Presidential Committee from among its members, setting its tasks.

The director who, without justified reason, is absent at three consecutive meetings is considered to have resigned. The first of the non-elected is replaced by the director who has passed away for any reason, subject to ratification by the immediately subsequent Shareholders' Meeting.

It lapses from the office of director for the same reasons provided for by art. 6 of this Statute on the forfeiture of members.

If the majority of the members fail, the President must convene a meeting within 20 days to arrange for the election of a new Council.


Art. 12


The President represents the Association before third parties and in court and directs it assisted by the Board of Directors; presides over the Council and the Assembly of members and signs the minutes.

Sign payment orders.

If it is prevented, it is replaced in all its powers by the Vice President.

The President, on the basis of the directives of the Assembly of members and of the Board of Directors, is responsible for promoting the activity of the Association.

The President convenes and presides over the ordinary and extraordinary Assembly of the members and the Board of Directors, takes care of the application of the respective resolutions, monitors the proper functioning of the Association, verifies compliance with the Statute, promotes its reform where the need.


Art. 13

The Vice President

The Vice President must substitute the President in all his duties, whenever he is prevented from exercising his functions.


Art. 14

The College of Arbitrators

Any disputes that may arise between members, or between associates and bodies of the Association, relating to the life of the Association, will be submitted to the judgment of the Board of Arbitrators, if appointed by the Assembly.

The Board of Arbitrators will be made up of three members appointed one by each of the parties to the conflict and the third by the Assembly.

The Court of Bologna is competent for any further controversy.



Disposizioni generali


Art. 15

Il Revisore dei conti

Il Revisore dei conti, se nominato dall'Assemblea, anche fra i non associati, controlla l'amministrazione dell'Associazione e la corrispondenza del Bilancio alle scritture contabili. Partecipa, con facoltà di parola e senza diritto di voto, alle riunioni del Consiglio Direttivo e dell'Assemblea, alle quali presenta la relazione annuale sul Bilancio consuntivo.


Per la durata in carica e la rieleggibilità valgono le stesse norme dettate dal presente Statuto per i componenti del Consiglio Direttivo (art. 11).

Art. 16

Scritture e libri dell'Associazione

Oltre alla tenuta dei libri sociali (Assemblea, Consiglio Direttivo, Soci), deve essere assicurata una sostanziale pubblicità e trasparenza degli atti relativi all'attività dell'Associazione, con particolare riferimento ai Bilanci consuntivo e preventivo o Rendiconti annuali.

Tali documenti sociali, conservati presso la sede legale, devono essere messi a disposizione dei soci per la consultazione; chi desidera avere copia dei documenti dovrà farsi carico delle relative spese.


Art. 17


Il Consiglio Direttivo predispone eventuali regolamenti, che verranno approvati dall'Assemblea, relativi alle varie attività dell'Associazione. Lo stesso ha il potere di prevedere sezioni specifiche all'interno dell'Associazione.


Art. 18


In caso di suo scioglimento per qualsiasi causa, l'Associazione nominerà, se del caso, un liquidatore.

L'eventuale patrimonio o residuo attivo verrà devoluto a Enti o Associazioni senza scopo di lucro aventi finalità e interesse generale analoghi a quelli dell'Associazione, e comunque di utilità sociale, secondo le modalità stabilite dal liquidatore qualora nominato, e secondo le prescrizioni di legge in materia.


Art. 19


Per quanto non espressamente riportato nel presente Statuto si fa riferimento al Codice Civile e alle norme di legge vigenti.

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